 Privacy Policy
Personal Data Privacy Policy
MRC Human Capital Services Limited. A company registered in Hong Kong responsible for the operation of the IT Recruitment Portal - "U-career.com"
The individual jobseeker registered as a member of the MRC IT Recruitment Portal and using services provided by U-career.com.
Company registered as a member of employer using services provided by U-career.com.
Personal Data
Candidate's personal data as shown in the U-career.com Web site under "Personal Data", which includes the candidate's email address, name, nationality, date of birth, marital status and correspondence data.
Competence Data
Candidate's competence data as shown in the U-career.com Web site under "Competence", except the data which are classified as "Personal Data", including but not limited to the candidate's resume.
Application Letter
The file inserted by the candidate as part of the application for a specific job.
Insert files
The files inserted by the candidate, such as application letter and / or a video presentation file for the application of a specific job.
Employer Data
Employer's data as shown in the U-career.com Web site under "Account Information".
Employer's scoring parameters as shown in the U-career.com Web site under the Scorecard section.
Purpose For Collection Of Personal Data
The purpose of collecting / storing the data submitted by the candidates is solely for:
  1. Assisting the candidate to find a job
  2. Assisting a company / entity to find a candidate
  3. Preparation of statistical reports
Candidate Data
Access of Data
Data can be accessed by various parties for various purposes.
MRC staff and software system may access candidate data as it sees fit for the purpose of:-
  1. Searching for candidates suitable for the jobs posted by our clients.
  2. Searching candidates to whom MRC believes MRC should send them an email for specific reasons.
  3. Performing regulator data maintenance.
Candidates may access and/or make changes to any of their own data.
When a candidate applies for a job, the employer may access / retrieve candidate data including personal data, competence data, resume, inserted files (only for the job to which the candidate applied) and the application letter (only for the job to which the candidate applied).
When a candidate did not apply for a job, any employer may access / retrieve only the candidate's competence data.
Transfer of Data
When a candidate applies for a job, MRC will send all the candidates data to the employer or allow the employer to view / retrieve the data.
For jobs to which the candidate did not apply, MRC will send only the candidates competence data to the employer.
Protection of Data
All candidate data will be stored in the computer system with security protection. MRC and their agent, such as a hosting service supplier, will apply software / hardware technology, which we believe will provide appropriate data protection.
Retention of Data
Subject to legal requirements, MRC and / or the U-career.com Web Site will retain the personal data of the candidate at the candidate's own risk until formally requested by the candidate to remove his/her data from the database.
MRC will not be responsible or held liable in any way if any employer, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere, should use the candidate's personal data for any other use other than for obtaining potential employees. Candidates accept that personal data given to employers or other users are given entirely at their own risk.
Employer Data
Access of Data
Data can be access by various parties for various purposes
MRC staff and software system may access employer data as it sees fit for the purpose of:-
  1. Obtaining the job requirements to search for candidates suitable for the jobs posted by the employers.
  2. Performing regulator data maintenance.
Candidate may access Employer data, including the employer¡¦s advertisement for the job position, company name or company display name.
Employer may access and/or make changes to any of their own data.
Transfer of Data
No transfer function is permitted.
Protection of Data
All employer data will be stored in the computer system with security protection. MRC and their agent, such as a hosting service supplier, will apply software / hardware technology, which we believe will provide appropriate data protection.
Retention of Data
Employer data will be retained in our system permanently until formally requested by the employer to remove their data from our database.
Employers will be solely responsible for the contents and materials contained in the U-career.com Web Site.